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How to use Funny Space
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Funny Space is a module, which allows you to download and play stuff from our web-site // . It was designed to let our customers join the fantastic world of funny sounds, images and jokes. This module has the web-browser (where the web-page is displayed) and two sub panels: RSS list and Media list (where you can adjust and control download process).


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To operate the new module .NET Framework 2.0 or higher is required. Left mouse click on the indicated link and the web-page with this software will get opened in your Internet browser. When the web-page opens just click on 'Download' button and save it on you PC. Then install it following the instructions of your InstallShield Wizard. Now you can open AV Video Morpher and enjoy the new model's advantages.

If you point the cursor on the top left corner of the web browser the navigation bar will come up. There are five buttons on this bar:

·     Back - to go to the previously visited Web-page

·       Home - to return to the Main Page

·       Refresh - to reload the current Web-page to the browser

·       Stop - to stop loading a Web-page. It could be useful if a web-page loads too slowly, or when your PC “hangs” while carrying out this operation

·       Forward - to go to the next visited Web-page

All the buttons listed above function as in other Internet browsers, so it makes Funny Space very easy to use. Yet, there are some specific buttons located on the two panes (to the right from the Web Browser), which require detailed study.


·       There is a small Open/Hide button on the left side of the joint panes, clicking on it will open or hide these panes.

·       In the RSS list you can drag and drop different RSS files from our Web-page. As you do, the checkbox with this RSS name will appear in the list. To work with the RSS, set its checkbox.


RSS is a family of web feed formats. The initialism "RSS" is variously used to refer to the following standards:

*Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)

*Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0)

*RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)

RSS formats are specified in XML (a generic specification for data formats). RSS delivers its information as an XML file called an "RSS feed", "webfeed", "RSS stream", or "RSS channel".

OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML format for outlines. Originally developed by Radio UserLand as a native file format for an outliner application, it has since been adopted for other uses, the most common being to exchange lists of RSS feeds between RSS aggregators

The OPML specification defines an outline as a hierarchical, ordered list of arbitrary elements. The specification is fairly open which makes it suitable for many types of list data.

·       You can export the selected RSS to OPML file: Just click 'Export to OPML' button and 'Save As' dialog box will appear. There you can type the name of your file and indicate the path where to save it. Once you are ready - click 'Save' button.

·       You can also proceed the chosen RSS into a podcast. To do it, select what kind of file: audio or video the following RSS contains - choose 'Funny Audio' or 'Funny Video' in the combo box. Then click 'Proceed RSS' button. The selected RSS will be proceeded and the podcasts will appear in the Media list sub panel.

·       Or you can just clear the RSS list by clicking 'Clear RSS list' button.


Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio or video programs, over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. The term was originally coined by Ben Hammersley in an article in the Guardian on February 12, 2004 [1], meant as a contraction of "broadcasting" and "iPod".

The term podcast, like 'radio', can mean both the content and the method of delivery. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. Though 'podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically using software capable of reading feeds like RSS or Atom.

·       Once RSS gets proceeded you can select and download a podcast. Select one or more podcasts by setting the proper check boxes. Then click on 'Download checked' button. The download process will begin. You can see the download progress on the special meter. To stop the download, click 'Stop downloading' button. To remove the podcasts from the Podcast list sub panel – click 'lear Media list' button.

·       NOTE: All the podcasts will be downloaded as m3u files (play list files). You can open them with the morpher in the proper module.

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