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Note: This tutorial is using an outdated version of Voice Changer Software Diamond. For the updated tutorial with the newest version 9.5, click here.

Voice Changer Software Diamond - How to Imitate Celebrity Voice

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In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use Voice Changer Software Diamond to imitate your favorite celebrity voice.

Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

- Run Voice Changer Software Diamond 7.0
- On the main panel, select the Comparator icon (1)

Fig 1: VCSD Main Panel - Comparator icon

- In the Comparator dialog box, choose Add (2) to import a new voice

Fig 2: Comparator dialog box

When the Voice Import dialog box pop-ups:
- Click Browse (3) and the point to the recording of the voice you want to imitate, then click Open.
- Type into the Person textbox (4) to name the sample voice.
- Type the spoken phrase of the record into the Phrase textbox (5). This is the text of the sample recording that you will repeat in the next step.
- Click Import (6) to close the Voice Import dialog box.

Fig 3: Voice Import dialog box


  • The imported file must be in wav format and have time length in range 0.5 – 8 seconds.
  • Click Play (*) to listen to the voice sample.

In the Comparator dialog box:
- The new sample voice you have just added will appear at the Voice section (7).
- Click the Record button (8) and speak into the microphone the text in the Phrase field.


  • The recording process lasts in appropriate time and will stop automatically.
  • Your voice should be clear and loud enough.
  • You should start to speak right after hitting the Record button.
  • Try to imitate the tone of the recording voice for best comparing performance.

- The comparison will immediately start after your recording is done. Check the result in the Similarity textbox.
- Click the Auto button (9) to automatically select the best similar parameter to the voice sample.
- Click OK (10) to apply the settings and close the Comparator.

Fig 4: Comparator dialog box

The morpher settings will be applied into the Pitch and Timbre graph of Voice Morpher module on main panel.

Fig 5: Voice Changer Software - Voice Morpher module

Now you have the voice similar to your favorite celebrity as you wish for. Start a conversation to surprise your friends.

>> Click here to download the sample nickvoices of some famous characters.
>> Click here to learn how to apply your changed voice in chatting with Skype.
>> Click here to learn how to apply your changed voice in chatting with Yahoo Messenger.