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“Your license is invalid…”?

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VCS Update Manager comes out and notifies that the entered registration information is not working.

Fig 1: VCS Update Manager

The problem might occur due to following reasons:

  • You mistyped the license information.
  • Changes were made to your computer’s configuration or you are trying to transfer the software to another computer. That will lead to a change of Protection Number and cause invalid license error.

  1. It is recommended to Copy & Paste instead of typing your registration information to avoid unexpected mistyping. Also, be very careful not to include any blank space at the end of the serial number.
  2. Contact our Support team to request license resetting so that you can reinstall the software on your new computer.

- To check if your Protection Number has changed, download this "vcs_protection_number.exe" file and open it to find the current Protection Number of your computer.

- For details about license resetting, please visit Customer Care Policy.