- Install
FlashGet on your computer
- Open
FlashGet by clicking on its shortcut or go to
Start >>
All Programs >>
FlashGet 3.7 >>
Start FlashGet- Make sure FlashGet transparent icon appear on top of your windows
- Open
Internet Explorer- Go to
//support.audio4fun.com/- Click on
Customer Login on the top - right corner of the page to expand the
Login Area and fill in with your account details: Username and Password >> Click
Login Note:
- Support account is only valid within the fully support service.
- Tick on the Remember me checkbox if you want the browser to automatically log into your account next times.
- Click on Forgot your password? or Forgot your username? in case you are not sure about your account detail.
- After successfully logging in, it automatically switches to
Your License tab in which all your purchased product(s) information is archived.
- Choose
the software you want to download.
- The product download link is embed under “
Click here” text
(1). Right – click on it, select
Download by Flashget3Note: You should notice the location of Registered Information (2) for later uses. - When FlashGet download window pops up, select “
(1)Note: Choose “Browse”(2) to change the file destination
- Downloading is in the process:
- To open FlashGet full interface, right – click on the icon, choose Show FlashGet
- Information about the download process:
- Wait until the download completes. A notification will appear on the bottom - right corner of your desktop.
On the Download Notification:
- Choose View to open FlashGet window
- Choose Open to run the downloaded file
- Choose Folder to access the contain folder