If you get boredwith plain and boring subtitles, you can create a new one with the sharp, size, color and other parameters you like by using the group of Text Effects. If a DVD and video file you play have the subtitle file, simply adjust it with these Text Effects.
· Click on Video tab or DVD tab on the module bar, it depends on from where you want to capture frames and audio.
· To open a file, click File on the menu bar and choose Open . Open dialog box will come up; select a video file you want to open.
· You can also use Open button on the Player bar to add a file to the play list (if it is a video mode), or open a DVD (if it is a DVD mode).

In the
Effect list pane go to
Video group > Text group > Subtitle effect. Double click on
Subtitle effect.

When this effect gets added to
Effects to apply list, right mouse click on it and in the context menu choose
Subtitle Settings dialog box will come up.

To indicate the path to the subtitles you can either type it down in Subtitle File field, or click on Open button and choose the proper file there.

· Click on Parameters button and Font dialog box will appear, where you can change some subtitle settings. Let’s study them one by one.

(1) Name combo box provides you with the most popular kinds of types for your subtitles.
(2) Font style let you choose : Bold , Fade to transparent
(3) Size combo box is designed to select the size of your future subtitles.
(4) Color button allows you to select the color of the subtitles.
If you want your adjustments to take place, click OK button on Subtitle Effect settings dialog box, if you do not want it – click Cancel.
In the
Effect list pane go to
Video group > Text group > 3D Subtitle Editor. Double click on
3D Subtitle Editor.

When this effect gets added to
Effects to apply list, right mouse click on it and in the context menu choose
Properties, 3D Subtitle Editor Settings dialog box will come up.
If the opened video or DVD file has its own subtitles you can indicate the path to it by clicking Open button
(1) on
3d Subtitle Editor Dialog box. If you do,
Open dialog box will appear.

Note: You can only open (*.srt) or other supported subtitle file here.
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