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Sing on Red Karaoke in different voices

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Red Karaoke is an online karaoke service for singing on multiple devices. You can choose a song from the catalogue and sing or record it. All you have to do is register and use a microphone (external or internal) to record, without installing a single program!

With the assistance of the voice mastering tool Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5 (VCSD 9.5), singing on Red Karaoke is more fun and entertaining when you can choose any vocal styles. Follow the below steps for detailed instruction:

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This step is no longer required if you are using the build 9.5.21 or newer.

Since the release of Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.21, Virtual Audio Driver (VAD) Mode is the default and primary working method. This change is guaranteed not to impact software performance and user experience quality.

  mic To connect Voice Changer Software Diamond with another VoIP application: Change the program’s microphone input to VAD. » Details in Step 3 below.
  file To process a list of ready audio files: Take advantage of the premium feature File Morpher. » Details in this tutorial.

- On main panel, choose Preferences menu to open VCS Preferences window.

- When VCS Preferences window appears, choose Virtual driver Mode radio button (1).

- Click OK button (2) to apply the new setting and close Preferences window.

Fig 1: VCS Preferences

- Go to VCSD 9.5's main panel, choose the morphing effects and make adjustments until you are satisfied with your vocal output. There are several ways to change your voice, including voice morphing and audio effects.

Choose morphing effects

» You should read this guide for more in-depth information: How to use Voice Morpher in VCSD 9.5

» Check out our Add-on store to download FREE cool audio effect packs, updated regularly.

- Go to and log into your account.

- Explore the song library and choose your favorite one » Click Sing.

Fig 2: Red Karaoke - Seek song

- Make sure you are on Recording Mode (3), then click Karaoke (4) and complete your settings before singing.

Fig 3: Red Karaoke - Start Singing

- After setting camera mode, you will be led to the microphone setting page. Select Microphone (Avsoft Virtual Audio Device) as microphone input (5) » Click Record (6) to start recording your song.

Fig 4: Red Karaoke - Select Microphone Input

- Click Start (7) and let the music begin.

Fig 5: Red Karaoke - Start singing

- Please be noted that you can Stop (8) your recording at any time.

Fig 6: Red Karaoke - Stop singing

- You can preview your recording result and enhance your voice with effects. Click Next (9) when finish.

Fig 7: Red Karaoke - Enhance output

- Your unique karaoke recording is ready to be published and shared with people. Choose Publish (10) after writing some fancy description about your work. Start counting the likes!

Fig 8: Red Karaoke - Publish recording