- On
Voice Changer Software Diamond 8.0 main panel, click
Preferences to open the
Preferences window.
In the Preferences window, we will change Hook mode to Virtual Audio Driver mode.
- Check Virtual driver Mode (1).

- Click the OK button (2) to apply the new settings and close the Preferences window.
- Run
Skype, login to your account
- Choose menu Tools >> Options.

In the Options dialog box:
- Select Audio settings (1).
- In Microphone section, select: Microphone(Avnex Virtual Audio Device) (2).

- Click Save.
From now on, AV Virtual Audio Driver will be the main audio driver used by Skype.
- For instant use, you can download the Darth Vader voice preset from here.
- To learn how to work with Voice Changer Software Diamond’s settings to archive the Darth Vader's voice, click here.