- You can search for free VST plug-ins by either using Google or visiting the following sites:
- Download and save VST effects on your PC.
If you only find zipped files (.rar), you need to extract those files, then:
- Copy downloaded VST plug-in files (*.dll).
- Paste the files into your VST folder manually, which the installation folder of MMG
(Often, it can be located at "C:\Program Files\AV Music Morpher Gold\Effects\VST”).

You can run Music Morpher Gold software by either:
- Click on the MMG icon on desktop.
- Go to Start > Programs > AV Music Morpher Gold > AV Music Morpher Gold
Advanced Module to show the VST plug-ins, which you have just loaded into AV Music Morpher Gold.
Click the
Advanced button
(1) on the main panel to open
Advanced Module.

You can import files easily by 4 ways:
- Click on “Open” button (1).
- Click on “Open from library” button (2).
- Click on “Add files to playlist” button (3).
- Click on “Add folder to playlist” button (4).

- Click on “Show/Hide tree of effects” icon on the menu tab to show tree of effects. Then dropdown the list of effects and select VST (1).

- Dropdown the list of VST plug-ins. Then double-click the plug-in (2) to open it.

- After the VST Adapter box appears, you can adjust the parameters on the Ferox plug-in (as shown in the image below).
For example: To create a reverb vocal using the Ferox plug-in, turn the “Feedback” (1) knob to the right about 65% and then turn the “Tapespeed” (2) knob to the left about 35%. Now, you can hear the main vocal coming first and a reverb vocal coming right after.

Note: Only audio VST plug-ins are supported in Music Morpher Gold 4.0. MIDI plug-ins are not supported.