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Make Covers For CD

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With AV CD Cover you can create CD booklets and labels for your mp3 or audio CDs, you are going to burn. In this tutorial, you will create a booklet and CD label for your romantic collection. The booklet will include the title of "Romantic Collection" in front and the list of songs in the rear. In addition, both sides will have the background picture. CD label will consist of the title and the same background picture. Finally, you will print your ready booklet and CD label.


Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

  • In Music Morpher 4.0, choose the Cover module.

IMAGE - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image001.jpg

a. Place the title on the booklet front side

Click the button (see the picture below) to switch to the front view.

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image002.jpg

Click the Add text label button  (1).
As the result, the new text block (2) will appear on the booklet view.
Remove the default title Text in the edit box (3) and type in "ROMANTIC COLLECTION" instead.
Then select the proper font and size (4) for your CD title and change the text color (5) for pink.

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image003.jpg

Drag the text box to the center of the booklet front view. The result should look as at the picture below:

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image004.jpg

b. Add the background picture for the booklet front side.

Click the Add image button (1) and in the Open dialog box select the file, containing your background image. Click Open when ready.
Then click the Move image button (2) to activate the picture-dragging mode. Now drag the picture to the top left corner of the booklet.
If the picture does not cover the whole booklet, click the Zoom image button (3) for the magnifier icon to pop up.
Position the magnifier over the image, keep the left mouse button pressed and move the magnifier in the top-left direction until the picture covers the whole booklet.
If you need to adjust the position of the picture, click the Move image button again and start dragging the picture until you place it to your liking.

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image005.jpg

Now the front side of your booklet is ready. In our case, we used roses as a background image, so you can see the result below:

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image006.jpg

Creating a numbered list of songs

In AV CD Cover, you can quickly make a numbered list of songs, including information about author, title, album, duration, etc.
In our case, you will build the list based on the files you are going to burn to CD.
This numbered list will consist of the following fields: the song title, the author and the duration time.
For that, click the button (see the picture below) to switch to the rear view.

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image007.jpg

Click the Add songs button (see the picture below) and in the Open dialog box select all the audio files to be displayed in the list. Click Open when ready.

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image008.jpg

In the Select properties dialog box click the buttons:  Track(1), Title(2), Artist(3), File size(4). These properties will be added to the list box as shown below:

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image009.jpg

Click Ok. As the result, the four columns (the track numbers, the song titles, the artists and the song duration) will appear on the booklet rear view.
Select all the columns with the mouse and change the text color to pink like you did in Step 2a.
Then drag the selection to the center of the booklet. The result should look like at the picture below:

Image - free-tutorials-project22_clip_image010.jpg

Now add the background picture to your rear side like you did in  Step 2b. The final view should look as below:

Image -free-tutorials-project22_clip_image011.jpg