- Open
- On the right panel, make sure you turn on Voice Morpher.
-Drag the graph or use left/right arrow key to adjust Pitch - Timbre - Formant Pitch values. We found the 109 - 109 - 119 value best imitates Medusa’s voice.

- On the right panel »
Voice Beautifying: change
Ls to -
120 and
Sm to

- Click Advanced button, then change the Smoothing value to 12.

- Click Add Voice Effects button of Voice Effects's on right panel.

- Effects Settings dialog box shows up. Choose Voice Effects (1) » Complex Delay (2) » Simple reverberation (3).

- Still in Effects Settings dialog box, choose Other dropdown list and check on Equalizer (4).
- Choose Settings button to open Equalizer dialog box >> click on None dropdown list (6).

- Click Ok (7) to close and apply effects.

- Remember to tick on Turn On the effects button (8).
And now, your Medusa's voice is ready. Let’s amaze your teammates, have fun and see how they react. “LOL What’s goin’ on?", "That voice, omg". How funny can it be?
Enjoy your game!
►Depend on the unique characteristics of each input voice, the final result may vary. It is recommended that you should try more or less before deciding which setting combination produces the best result.
►For in-depth information about the settings made in this tutorial, learn more at How to Use Voice Morpher in Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.0
►You can download this ready-to-use nickvoice pack for Medusa’s Voice for instant use.