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Share Thanksgiving Song while Voice Chatting

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Thanksgiving is almost here. If you love the idea sharing Thanksgiving songs with your friends while chatting with them as a way to enjoy the holiday together, this tutorial is for you.

Let Voice Changer Software Diamond 8.0 (VCSD8) help.

Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

- You can download directly the free Thanksgiving Songs pack here.

- Or you may want to seek for more Thanksgiving's special add-ons:

Go to our Add-on Library » Click "Thanks Giving" in All Event drop-down list to display all Thanksgiving packs.

Fig 1: Get our Thanks Giving song

- Unzip the file you have just downloaded.


- Set AV Virtual Audio Device as audio input source of the VoIP application. For detailed instruction, you can refer to the following tutorials for some popular applications:

Click here to learn how to share the Thanksgiving songs with VCSD8.

-    You can start the voice chat session now and enjoy the Thanksgiving song together with your friends.

»    Click here to learn how to add autumn breezes to your cozy chat.

»    Click here for more tutorial.