In this tutorial, we will guide you through the way to add some autumn breezes to get voice chat into the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank to Voice Changer Software Diamond 8.0 (VCSD8)
- Run VCSD8
- Click on Background Effects icon (1)

- When Background Effects dialog appears, click On/Off button (2) to activate background effects feature.

- Click Create Group button (3) to add a new group.
- When the Create a new group dialog box appears, type the group name into the Title textbox, then click OK button (4) to finish and close this dialog box.

Tip: To delete a group from the effect tree, right click on it and choose Delete
» Download ready-to-use Autumn Breeze background effects here.
» Explore for more Thanksgiving add-ons here.
- Click the Add Effects button (5) to add a new effect to a group.
- In the Add a new Background Effect dialog box:
• Select from the Group drop-down list (6) your newly created group.
• Type the name of the new effect into the Description field
• Click Browse button (7) and specify the audio.
• Click OK button (8) to finish and close the dialog box.

- In the
Available Background Effects panel, expand the group by double clicking the group name >> check the check box of the effect name
(9). The background effect will be applied right away.

Tip: You can change the volume of the background effect by adjusting the Volume slider (10).
- Now you can start your cozy voice chat with your friends while enjoying cool air of the autumn breeze. Happy Thanksgiving!