Click on Morpher tab on the module bar to open AV Morpher.
To open a file, click File on the menu bar and choose Open or Open From Library (1).
Open dialog box will come up, select an audio file you want to open.
Or use Open From Library, Add Files to Playlist, Add Folder to Playlist buttons (2) add files.

Play the song by clicking the Play button on the Player panel.
Remember to turn on the Equalizer to enhance the sound of music.
You can adjust all bands to your taste or choose an available preset by clicking the Presets button.
Double click on the
Effect Library on the right of the window.
Then expand
Special Effects >>
Stereo/Mono Only >>
Echo & Reverb and click
Delay dialog will come up.

- Move the Volume slider to adjust the Volume of the delayed signal.
- Adjust the Delay slider to set the time of the sound delay before its repetition.
- Move the Dry out slider. The higher the value is, the better sound quality will be.
It is recommended that you should play the song first and then apply the effects.
In this way, you can listen to song morphed on-the-fly while making settings adjustment.
- Press the Morph Selected Files button on the Playlist toolbar.
- The Morphing dialog appears. Select the Output Folder and the Output File Format, then click Morph button to start the morphing process.

Note: You can also apply this effect to a part of the song using AV Wave Editor.