This tutorial is going to show you how to change or convert any human voice into the a non-human voice - An Optimus Prime (Transformers) voice with AV Music Morpher Gold 5.0. Within this page, you will learn how to make Micheal Douglas speak in the Optimus way.
Modify and preview the setting
• Select the clip and click on the Play (1) button on the Player panel to listen the voice.
• Within the Voice Morpher (2) click on the On/off button (3) to enable the Voice Morpher
• From now on, you can slowly and slightly move adjust the Pitch and Timbre to the left or to the right to archive the Optimus voice. For me, 82% in Pitch and 80% in Timbre is nice already. So, I mark it down.

- In this tutorial, we'd recommend you to try the Equalizer Presets for a little more enhancing the output result. Besides that, you can always try more with the built-in Effects Library (4) comes with Music Morpher Gold 5.x.
- For more special voice you add more effects Bass Overdrive , Double Power, Neighbor's Apartment in Single Effects Tab

- And effect Wah-Wah Filter in Advanced Effects Tab

- For more setting double click in Wah-Wah Filter

Save output file
- As soon as you reach your desired result, you can start the converting by clicking on the Morph Selected Files button on the Morpher Menu.
- Within this step in Music Morpher Gold 5.0, you are able to save the output result in various types and formats like .ogg, .mp3, .wav, .flac, .ape, etc.