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Download purchased software using FlashGet on Internet Explorer browser

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This tutorial is a step-by-step instruction to ensure that customers will not get into any difficulties downloading purchased product(s) with Internet Explorer browser and FlashGet download supporter.

*About Internet Explorer:

Windows Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer, commonly abbreviated IE or MSIE) is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, starting in 1995.
Internet Explorer has been the most widely used web browser since 1999, attaining a peak of about 95% usage share during 2002 and 2003 with Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Explorer 6.
The latest stable release is Internet Explorer 9, which is available as a free update for Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2.

*About FlashGet:

FlashGet (formerly JetCar, from the literal translation of the Chinese phrase 快车) is a freeware download manager for Microsoft Windows. It was originally available in either paid or ad-supported versions, the latter of which included an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object (BHO).

Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

- Install FlashGet on your computer
- Open FlashGet by clicking on its shortcut or go to Start >> All Programs >> FlashGet 3.7 >> Start FlashGet
- Make sure FlashGet transparent icon appear on top of your windows
Fig 01: Desktop - FlashGet icon

- Open Internet Explorer
- Go to //
- Click on Customer Login on the top - right corner of the page to expand the Login Area and fill in with your account details: Username and Password >> Click Login
Fig 02: Support Center - Login Area

  • Support account is only valid within the fully support service.
  • Tick on the Remember me checkbox if you want the browser to automatically log into your account next times.
  • Click on Forgot your password? or Forgot your username? in case you are not sure about your account detail.

- After successfully logging in, it automatically switches to Your License tab in which all your purchased product(s) information is archived.
- Choose the software you want to download.
Fig 03: Support Center - Your License tab
- The product download link is embed under “Click here” text (1). Right – click on it, select Download by Flashget3
Note: You should notice the location of Registered Information (2) for later uses.
Fig 04: Support Center - AV VCS Diamond License Info
- When FlashGet download window pops up, select “Download(1)
Note: Choose “Browse(2) to change the file destination
Fig 05: FlashGet Download Window
- Downloading is in the process:
Fig 06: Download Process

  • To open FlashGet full interface, right – click on the icon, choose Show FlashGet

Fig 07: FlashGet Full Interface Access

  • Information about the download process:

Fig 08: Download Process Info
- Wait until the download completes. A notification will appear on the bottom - right corner of your desktop.
Fig 09: Download Completes Notification
On the Download Notification:

  • Choose View to open FlashGet window
  • Choose Open to run the downloaded file
  • Choose Folder to access the contain folder