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Voice Changer Software - How to Talk Like Jigsaw in Saw Movie

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In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to talk like the Jigsaw with Voice Morpher, Equalizer Effects of the Voice Changer Software 7.0.

John Kramer (also known as The Jigsaw Killer, commonly referred to as Jigsaw) is a fictional character and the central character of the Saw franchise. Jigsaw made his debut as the primary antagonist in the first film of the series, Saw, and he's later portrayed as an antihero in Saw II, III, IV, V, VI and 3D.

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- On the main panel, click on the On/Off (1) button turn on the Voice Morpher panel.
- Move the cursor (2) on the Pitch-Timbre graph (also called the Morpher graph) to change the voice.
- For me, Pitch is 56% and Timbre is 63 % make me sound like Jigsaw most. So, I leave the cursor there.

Note: It is recommended that you should turn on the Duplex button (3) to test how your voice sounds like
Fig 1: Voice Changer Software Basic Main Panel

In the next step, you will learn on how to take advantage of one of most powerful voice efffects in Voice Changer Software - The The Equalizer.

- Click on the On/Off in Advanced effects panel and switch to the Equalizer tab.
- Click on the On/Off button to turn the Equalizer on
- Make change to each slider at a time while speaking into the mircrophone to pre-listening to how you sound like.
- The below parameters are recommended (4).

Fig 2: Voice Changer Software Basic  - Equalizer Effects

Your changed voice is now ready to use in chatting via Skype, Yahoo
- For instant use, you can download the JigSaw voice preset from here.
- To learn how to use the preset of voice changer software, click here.
- Click here for more free audio effects.