Before you start Voice Changer Software installation file, please minimize all other application windows.
Run the Voice Changer Software Diamond installation file, when the last installation screen popup, click Finish to finish it.

Note: Tick on the check box if you want to create shortcut(s) on Desktop or on Quick Launch bar for quick access(es) to Voice Changer Software.
The Driver Installing message will be shown right after that, click OK to continue installing VAD.

- The Driver Installing command window of MSDOS appears.
» What is MSDOS?
MS-DOS (short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a command prompt interface that allows you to execute programs. MSDOS was originally developed by Microsoft in the 1980s. In today PCs, it runs as the underlying operating system, finds applications for boot disk or similar purposes.
More information can be found here.

- Another popup called Windows Security shows up, click Install to continue.

- After some seconds, the Driver Installing window of MSDOS will automatically closed, your installation is finished, Voice Changer Software is ready for use.
Note: If this is not your 1st time of installing AV Voice Changer Software, the above Windows Security popup will not show up. But, the installation should go though properly.