- Play the song by pressing Play button on the Player panel.
- Remember to turn on the Equalizer to enhance the sound of music.
You can adjust all bands to your taste or choose an available preset by clicking the Presets button.
- Listen to it carefully and select a part of vocals to morph by clicking and dragging the mouse.

- Listen and dragging the mouse to select a part of song that you want to morph.
- Select Voice Morpher effect and make adjustment on Pitch and Timbre as your desire.
- Press OK and wait a moment for the program to process voice morphing.
- Play back the song to see the result. Remember to choose None in the Effect Library so that the voice cannot be morphed twice.
- Select some more parts of the vocals and morph voice with the same setting as above.
- Click File on the menu bar and choose Save to have the modified audio sample overwrite its original copy.
Or Save as to create a new file leaving the original song intact. Now a brand new duet is available for you to enjoy.