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How To Record your voice

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This guide is going to show the way to record your voice using AV Advanced Morpher in MP3 Player Morpher.


Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

-   Check carefully and make sure that your microphone is correctly plugged in and ready to use. In the Volume Control, check the Microphone Control carefully.
-   You can record being in the following tabs: Morpher, Advanced Morpher .

Image - tutorial-mp3-15-01.jpg

-  Click the Record button (1) on the Player panel, then you will see Record dialog box.

Image - tutorial-mp3-15-02.jpg

- Click Rec button (2) to start recording. Then click it again to stop the process

- Click on the Play button to listen what you have just recorded.

Image - tutorial-mp3-15-03.jpg

- Click the Save button to save your recording in a file.

Image -tutorial-mp3-15-04.jpg

- Choose a folder and a name as well as the format for the recorded file and then click Save.

Image - tutorial-mp3-15-05.jpg