On Voice Changer Software Diamond main panel, click
Preferences to open the
Preferences dialog box

In the Preferences dialog box, we will change Hook mode to Virtual Audio Driver mode.
- Check on VadMode (1).
- Click OK (2) to apply the new setting and close the Preferences dialog box.

Open Voice Changer Software Diamond 7.0, choose the morphing effects for your voice, and make adjustments until you are satisfied with the output voice.
here to learn how to change voice using Voice Morpher feature.
>> Turn your voice into voice of
Optimus Prime Robot in Transformer movie?
>> Or wanna make your voice sound like
Darth Vader’s voice in Star Wars movie?
-Go to http://voixio.com choose Browser to chat voice on Web

- Sign in your account.

- In Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog, check on Allow to grant the service access to your camera and microphone.

- In Extra choose Settings (1)

- On Camera >> Expand the Camera list and choose AV WebCam Capture (2)>> Click Save and Close to complete (3)

You can now start voice chat on Voixio with the changed voice.
Note: Please notice that as long as the Voice Changer Software is On, the morphing effects will be applied to your voice automatically. To be back to normal instantly, you will just need to turn the voice changer software off.