- Turn on the
Voice Morpher feature (1).
- In the Pitch and Timbre graph, move the pointer (2) toward the UP-LEFT corner for a low manly voice. Make fine changes to enhance the voice for better simulation.
Tips: You can have the voice of your desire even only using this Voice Morpher feature. Just try many fine enhancemence for the voice until you get the one you like.

- Open the Advanced panel, switch to the
Formant Morpher tab (3) and turn it
on (4).
- Click the
Reset button (5) to have the sliders at theirs default value.
- Turn on the
Formant Morpher panel (6).
- Adjust only the
Formant sliders number 1 (7). This effects the low formant of the voice which then makes the voice sound more gravelly.
Notes: You should not change the Pitch or the Smoothing sliders if you are not familiar with the Formant Morpher.

- Switch to the
Voice Equalizer tab (8) and turn the tab
ON (9).
- Turn on the
Voice Equalizer module (10).
- Make changes to the LoStretch and the LoShift sliders. This will allow you to stretch the speed of your voice, and shift up certain parts of the voice.
- Adjust the Smoothing slider in order to make the morphed voice clearer.