On the main panel, click on the
Comparator button to open
VCSD Comparator.
Tips:- To optimize the process, you should close all unused applications and anti-virus programs to optimize the process, if you are running any Media Players, please turn them off.
- If you use VCS Gold or VCS Diamond, you can add those programs into the Ignore Filter list.
» See how to add an application into the Ignore Filter list.

- Prepare a clear recording voice file of your friend.
- Click on the Add button (1) to go to the Voice Import dialog.
- In the Voice Import dialog box:
- The Person field: Type the name of the recording file, this will be the name of the sample voice when it has been done imported. Here we typed "amale friend."
- Click the Browse button (2) and specify the recording file of your friend's voice which you want to imitate, the path of the file will be shown in the Voice field.
- The Phrase field: Type in the phrase spoken in the recording file you have just browsed.
- Click the Import button (3) to import the voice into Comparator and close this dialog box.
- You can click Play to pre-listen to your friend's voice before clicking the Import button.
- The imported voice file must be a mono audio file in .WAV format, and it must contain at least two words.

In the
Record section:
- (3) shows information about the voice file you have just imported. Click the
Play button (4) to re-listen to the voice, pay attention to the tone and rhythm of the spoken voice.
- Click on the
Record button (5) and speak into the microphone the phrase shown in the
Voice section. Click this button again to finish your recording.
- Repeat exactly the phrase shown in the Phrase field in the Voice section (3), and try to mimic the speed, tone, and rhythm of the sample voice.
- Your voice should be clear and loud.
- Start speaking right after hitting the Record button.
- If you receive an error message saying that "Cannot make comparison. Please, try to record your voice again.", it may because you have spoken too low which makes VCSD do not recognize the voice. Please record your voice again, this time speak louder.
- After finishing the recording, you can click the Play button to listen to your voice.
As soon as you finish recording and it is recognizable to VCSD Comparator, the comparison result of the two voices will be displayed in the Similarity section at the bottom

- In the
Morpher section [fig 3], click the
Auto button (6), VCSD Comparator will compare the two voices and automatically suggest the best settings in Pitch, Timbre & Adv. Tune that make your voice sound most alike to the sample voice.
- After finishing the auto comparison process, click the
OK button to apply the settings and to close the
Because each voice is characterized by pitch and timbre, imitate a person's voice is actually adjusting the pitch and timbre of your voice to most likely to those of the target voice. VCSD Comparator just do the same thing. It recommends the settings of pitch & timbre for your voice which may make your voice sound like your friend's voice.
You can also manually adjust the pitch & timbre settings in the
Morpher section, and also change the Advance tune to tune the output voice as your desired.

- Coming back to the VCSD main panel, we now see the morphing settings has been applied into the Voice Morpher graph.
- Click the Advanced button (7) to expand the Advanced panel.

- Select the Equalizer tab (8), turn the tab ON (9), click on Preset (10) and select Soft (11).

- Select the Quality tab (12), turn the tab ON (13), turn the the Limiter ON (14), turn the Noise Reduction ON (15), then, adjust the parameters: Release, Attack, Reduction, and Threshold to get your desired voice.