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Note: This tutorial is using an outdated version of Voice Changer Software Diamond. For the updated tutorial with the newest version 9.5, click here.

Voice Changer Software Diamond Recorder - Record your voice and save it in WAV format

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The new version of AV Voice Changer Software Diamond has a Virtual Audio Driver (AVnex Virtual Audio Device) which works as a virtual audio & sound device. This device can be used with any VoIP application and Instant messengers for changing voice and/or recording in real-time. By setting AVnex Virtual Audio Device as the active audio driver for the microphone in those applications, you will be able to control your voice tone and speak the way you want.

Voice Changer Software Diamond has its own sound Recorder which makes it easy for you to record and save conversations, morphed voice messages, convert audio file format, as well as modified songs.


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On the main panel, move the cursor (1) of the Stereo / Mono scale either left or right to instruct how your records will be.

In this illustration, the position of (1) shows that the file will be saved in Mono type with 16000 bits.

Note: Only when the DUPLEX mode is ON (2) that you can make change to the Stereo/Mono scale. If the DUPLEX mode is off, it is because there is a playback audio stream(s) in your computer, please turn off any media player or any application that is producing audio stream at that time.

Then, click on the Recorder button (3) on the main panel to open Voice Changer Software Recorder.


Fig 01: Change the  Stereo/Mono scale, then open VCS Recorder [Main panel]

- In the Recorder dialog box, choose Settings
Fig 02: Recorder dialog box - Settings
- In the Recorder Settings dialog box, click on the Base folder, template tab:

  • Click Browse (1) to choose the file destination folder
  • On the Name template drop down list (2), choose your favorite name template for the recorded file

Fig 03: Recoder Settings - Base folder, template tab

- Click the Encoders tab to switch to this tab.

  • Tick on the Advanced mode checkbox (3) to show the full list of audio rates supported by VCSD Recorder.
  • Select 44100, Mono (4), which represents the .wav file format

Note: WAV is an audio file format which represents the WAVE file for storing digital audio (waveform) data. It supports a variety of bit resolutions, sample rates, and channels of audio. This format is very popular with IBM PC (clone) platforms, and is widely used in professional programs that process digital audio waveforms.
Fig 04: Recorder Settings - Encoders tab
- Click OK to save settings and back to the Recorder dialog box

- Remember to tick on the Record non – morphed streams at VCS (5) to record your original voice.
- Hit the Record (6) button, start speaking into the microphone all your parts of script in succession.
- Click Pause (7) to postpone the recording, Stop (8) to end the processing recording and Play (9) to rehear your voice
Fig 05: Recorder dialod box
- Your voice should be clear and loud enough.
- You should start to speak right after hitting the Record button.
- Try to speak in your most expressive voice for the best emotional audio.

- If you’re not satisfied with a recorded audio, right – click on its audio stream and choose Delete. Then start recording again with better effort.
Fig 06: Recorder dialog box - Delete file