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Tip: How to synchronize better in Video Karaoke Maker

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AV Video Karaoke Maker is a FREE software to help you make your own Karaoke video and impress everyone else. To do that, you just need to synchronize the lyrics to an audio file, and it will be even faster if you follow the tips in this tutorial.

First of all, make sure you check out this tutorial: How to Create Your Own Karaoke Music Video

Tips to synchronize lyrics better:

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When synchronizing you will see the words appear next to wave form. To make it easier to see, scroll your mouse wheel to increase the space of the wave form and see it in more details.

  • Hotkeys to set lyrics: Instead of clicking on the Set button several times, after clicking the button once, you can use Spacebar to continue synchronizing.
  • Set of hotkeys for audio waveform:

- Play: Ctrl + 1

- Pause: Ctrl + 2

- Forward: Ctrl + 4

- Backward: Ctrl + 5

When you already increased the workspace, it will be a lot easier to set the lyrics right. But, it will be a little bit harder to move the waveform. Therefore, instead of using your mouse, it will be more convenient to use the hotkeys.

With a larger space for audio waveform and hotkeys to synchronize lyrics, it’s time to make your karaoke video more efficiently.

- Play the song, click Set button once, and since then, use Spacebar.

Locate the words on waveform:

- Use Ctrl + 1 to play the song, you will listen to EACH word of the song to locate their positions on the wave chart. Then use Ctrl + 2 to pause (2 or 3 words are enough).

>> This is the key to a better synchronization.


- Use Ctrl + 5 to move backward (it’s easier than using your mouse), click on the wave chart and use Ctrl + 1 to play again. This time, use Spacebar to synchronize lyrics.

- After that, drag the words inside the wave chart to fix the synchronization even better.

We hope that with these tips, you will have a great Karaoke video to sing along with friends and family.

Have fun and enjoy.