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Voice Changer Software Gold - How to speak like U.S president Barack Obama

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The new version 7.0 of AV Voice Changer Software Gold has a Virtual Audio Driver (AVnex Virtual Audio Device) which works as a virtual audio & sound device. This device can be used with any VoIP, Instant Messenging applications, or online voice chatting or web conferencing websites for changing voice and/or recording in real-time. By setting AVnex Virtual Audio Device as default audio driver for microphone in those applications, you will be able to control your voice tone and speak the way you want.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the way to set up Voice Changer Software Gold 7.0 (VCSG7)

» DOWNLOAD: the audio package of the sample and the result voices
Click here to download the package in ZIP format.

Click on the steps below to startExpand all | Collapse all

On the main panel, click on the Comparator button to open VCS Comparator.


- In the Voice section, click the Add button to open the Voice Import panel.

- Click on the Browse button and select the Barack Obama's original voice file.

- In the Person textbox, type the name for the voice as "Barack Obama"

- Type what he says in the voice file into the Phrase field: "We were founded upon the ideal that all are created equal."

- Click the Import button to finish the import process of the new sample voice. The Voice Import dialog box will be closed.


The newly added sample voice will be set for the comparator automatically (see Fig. 3).

Note: To re-listen to the new sample voice, click the Play (1) button.


- In the Record section, click the Rec (2) button to start recording your voice. Try to mimic Mr. Obama's voice over the tone, speed, rhythm and volume.

*** Important: The quality of the final result also depends on how you mimic the sample voice in this step.

Note: If you receive an error message saying that "Cannot make comparison. Please, try to record your voice again," it might because you spoke too low or too fast that VCS Comparator couldn't detect the voice. Close the message and record your voice again.

- If the record of your voice is qualified, VCS Comparator will make the comparing automatically, then suggest the best settings in Pitch, Timbre & Adv. Tune that make your voice sound most alike to the sample of Mr. Obama's voice.

- Click OK to close the Comparator and return to the main panel. The suggested settings will be applied to the Voice Morpher module.

Now you can speak to the microphone to check if the changed voice is what you want or not. If you are satisfied with it, you've done, you can save it as a nickvoice file for later use. If you are not, try adjusting slightly the pitch and timbre (using the Voice Morpher graph) to see if you can get a better result. You may also want to apply advanced effects to make the result voice sound better, we have a simple instruction on that in step 4, and 5.

Tip: You can use the Timbre, Pitch and Adv. Tune sliders in the Morpher module (3) of VCS Comparator to manually change your original record voice to what you think is alike to the sample voice yourself, then click the Compare (4) button to get the comparison result. However, it is recommended you follow our instructions above.


- Click the Advanced button to expand the Advanced panel.

- Select the Equalizer tab, turn it ON, click on the Preset button and select Soft.

Tip: In most cases, the equalizer preset works well. But if it does not, try the other ones or load your own settings. You can also make changes on the preset when it is loaded in the Equalizer tab. If you don't like the effects at all, click the On/Off button on the tab to turn if off.