Online gaming is actually a huge community of old and new members, and each player has his/her own way of experiencing every new, exciting adventure awaiting them at every stage.
1.1 Download and Installation
Both packages of TeamSpeak 2 program, the Client and the Server, can be downloaded directly from TS2's site. You can try this link to visit their download page or find them in the above part of this page.
The first time TeamSpeak 2 is installed and run on your machine, there will be a screen pop-up with Administrator information.
This screen will pop up only one time, so it is recommended that you should note the information down and save it to a text file for future use.
Now run the program and you will see a small icon at the bottom right of your desktop.
Right-click on it to bring the TS 2 panel up

Fig 1 - TeamSpeak new admin password window

You can click on Administration to enter Admin Control Panel.
Login either with Super Admin rights or Admin rights to be able to set your server as Public if you wish to make it free for any one to enter the room, or “Clan Server” if you wish to set an authorized password for your room.
For more details, visit TS's FAQ page.

Right-click on TS2 icon.
Move your mouse over Your IP's (1)
Click on the top IP (2). It is now copied to clipboard. You can paste the IP into each teammate’s setting so they will be able to access the room.
Note: If you have more than one IP (like my machine) and do not know which IP is the right one: Open the file server.ini that is created in the same directory where the server executable is located.
Look for the following line in section [Main Config]:
Modify it like this:
BoundToIp= (correct this to your IP)
1.2 Test Client and Server application
- Test the Client Application
It is best to know how your client works before connecting to your own server.
Click either of the two links below to test the connection of your client application to TS 2 public server.
If the connection is set up successfully, it will be easy to tell.
Also, you can connect to these servers within the TS's official site.

Fig 2 - TeamSpeak client application
- Test your Server Application
This is really interesting, because TS 2 allows you to connect to your own server while it is running on the same machine.
Go to Connection, select Quick Connect . A Quick Connect window (1) comes up.

Fig 3 - TeamSpeak2 - Choose Quick connect
Feed your server IP into Server Address field (2).
Click Connect button (3)
If the connection was setup successfully, your client will appear as the image on the left. Otherwise, please check it again from the beginning.

Fig 4 - TeamSpeak quick connect window

Fig 5 - TeamSpeak client application
Run Voice Changer Software, make voice changes for your voice to test first, then log in your TeamSpeak 2 account and start voice conversation, the morphed voice will be applied automatically.
You can click here to learn how to change voice while using TeamSpeak 2 with Voice Changer Software Diamond.
You can click here to learn how to using TeamSpeak 3 work with Voice Changer Software Diamond.
- It is recommended that you should open Voice Changer Software before connecting to TeamSpeak server.
- You should have known how to change voice using Voice Morpher feature, and other voice changing features of VCS.
Voice Changer Software 7.0 has been optimized for working with TeamSpeak 2
The new version 7.0 of Voice Changer Software has been included a Game mode which was optimized for working with voice communication applications in online Games like TeamSpeak 2. You are encouraged to upgrade to this new version for a more stable and flexible use for TeamSpeak 2 and similar programs.