- Open VCS Diamond 7.0.
- Via the VCS Diamond 7.0 main panel, click on Preferences. The Preferences dialog box comes up. Select VadMode (1).
- Click the OK button (2) to apply the new settings and close the Preferences dialog box.

- Run Sony Sound Forge 8.0 .
- Select Options menu -> Preferences...

- The Preferences dialog comes up. Select Audio tab .
- Within the Audio tab. Select Windows Classic Wave Driver (1) under the Audio device type. Select AVnex Virtual Audio Device (2) for Default recording device.
- Click Ok to save change and close the dialog.

Note: make change to only the Recording device and leave the Playback device option intact.
Open the
Sound Forge Recorder by clicking on the
Record button or press the shortcut keys

Tip: The Enable audio input monitoring option should be left unchecked. Otherwise, you will receive the echo.