In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use the Voice Changer Software Diamond 7.0 for changing your voice in Skype's voice chat session. So, it will work as a Skype Voice Changer Software.
Voice Changer Software Diamond 7 main panel, click
Preferences to open the
Preferences dialog box.

In the Preferences dialog box, we will change Hook mode to Virtual Audio Driver mode.
- Check VadMode (1).
- Click the OK button (2) to apply the new settings and close the Preferences dialog box.

- Run Skype, log in your account.
- Choose menu Tools » Options.

In the Options dialog box:
- Select Audio settings (1).
- In Microphone area, select: Microphone(Avnex Virtual Audio Device) (2)
- Click Save.
From now on, AV Virtual Audio Driver will be the main audio driver used by Skype.

Return to
Voice Changer Software main panel, choose
the morphing effects for your voice, and make adjustments until you are satisfied with the output voice.
Note: You should have known how to change voice using Voice Morpher feature, and other voice changing features of AV Voice Changer Software.
Get back to
Skype and
start voice call. The morphed voice is applied, and
your voice now being changed.
VCSD will work as a
Skype Voice Changer.
Note: As long as the AV Virtual Audio Device works as major driver for your microphone, you have a very powerful Skype voice changer ready for use.
>> See the video tutorial: Change voice in Skype with Voice Changer Software Diamond